Monday, July 27, 2009

The Art of Growing Grass

Legally, of course....

Doesn't he just look like Bunny Brewer makin' the rounds?

Spreading the straw. It is NOT hay, which we've learned is different. Animals EAT hay. Straw protects. Who knew???

Finally - a light general labor position becomes available.

Calming her through yet another suicide attempt: Jumping off the Great Wall.
(Sammy-the-kitten's attempt, of course.)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Effect of Heavy Rains

Suffice it to say that topsoil, traffic bond and a few heavy rainfalls can cause a settling effect under the newly laid patio.

Can you say: s-i-n-k-h-o-l-e?

On the bright side, grass seed, straw and heavy rain help the new grass to grow. We finally see some little wisps of grass reaching up through the straw.

Friday, July 24, 2009

No Rest for the Weary


Out of bed by 715, workers arrive at 730, and Terry leaves for work. I put a baseball cap on to cover my bed head. The topsoil arrives at 8am, while the workers invade the interior to tear out the casings for the new windows. I haven't even had my shower. I pay the topsoil guy. I sneak off to the shower. The bricklayers are finishing the columns which means they have made it up to the top - right outside the bedroom window. I lock myself in the bathroom, and as I step into the shower, I realize that I'm naked and forgot to bring clean underwear into the bathroom!

It was not a good day.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I've Been in the Garden...

A beautiful flower in the garden. The bride-to-be, our Beckster.

Paver Patio

The patio is going much more quickly than the driveway did years ago. Must be all the help he had this time.

Ooooh, not quite happy with the curve. Break time!!! Let's think about this. Ethan - quit listening to the wall - what is it saying today???

Becky and Kari spreading the topsoil.
Yes, Becky! The grass will be growing by September 12th!
Would your dad EVER let you down???

It Takes a Village

Starting to create the mid-level patio area. Measuring, consulting, and making the decisions on the layout of the pavers. Wish I could have been in on the decision making, but I was resting, playing the "breast cancer" card!!! Just kidding folks -the cancer didn't keep me away. My lack of strength and energy in general did. :)

This is one of my favorite pictures. Becky and Rusty. Geez, I love these kids, more than anyone can imagine. What a blessing. They are like Christmas year 'round - Comfort and Joy.

Jason spraypaints the pots and tiki-torches in preparation for the wedding...
Yes, he also enjoyed the proverbial "high". Not really - poor guy - I'm guessing that more ventilation would have been good.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Work Release Program

This is what the guys do after they are released from work for the week. Isn't that kinda like being out on Work Release ????
Rusty and Ethan spreading stone.

Terry begins cutting the paving stones for the entrance to the grand staircase. It's 8am, cuz he was at Home Depot again at 7am, picking up who-knows-what for the day. I swear, when he doesn't show up exactly at 7am every week, the employees wonder what happened to him!!!

Oh, did we mention that work on the new deck has officially started?
Yes, this is Darren. He is the Brick Master and will recreate the beauty he built on the grand deck.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Wall Talks to Ethan

On Saturday, Ethan announced that he heard "the wall talking to him." Now, I'm always careful to be sure that the crew is properly hydrated. Plenty of water and Gatorade. But for some reason, the Great Wall spoke and Ethan listened.

We think this is the spot Ethan became "one with the wall".

So, with the Vision Master's blessing and Rusty's concurrence, they decided to extend the wall with a curvature towards the outside on both sides, making it flow towards the fire pit.

We left for a 4th of July party, but Rusty, Ethan and Ellen stayed behind to go "rock hunting". I swear they hunted all night to fill in the area around the tree. Remember when you were just a little kid, Russ and to get you out of his hair for a while, your dad told you to go pick rocks???

Stats and Musings

During the crew's lunch break, the discussion of just how much material has gone into this project, they arrived at the following numbers:
900 85-pound block (20 pallets)
7 loads of stone
4 pallets of block cap
180 more block (4 pallets)
2 more pallets of block cap
1 load of traffic bond
A whopping 133 Ton of Materials!!!
It started as a small retaining wall. Now the crew is wondering if this is going to be something similar to the Winchester House.
It's a story about a woman who continually added on to her home after the death of her child and husband. There were stairs that led nowhere. Hidden doors and rooms. Continual building for 38 years until she died. Could this happen here????
We are all wondering....

Terry said, "Do you think this is how the Great Wall of China got started?"

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The "Man Iron"

To prepare for the pavers, which will be lovingly placed in the area between the 2 walls, yet another piece of equipment is rented - the Wacker - or as the guys call it - The Man Iron. For any novices out there, it's a vibratory machine used to tamp down the traffic bond.

Terry and his Wacker. What a wild BEAST!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Troops Receive Supplies

4 More pallets of block were delivered this week.
Of course, the 7am delivery of stone arrived and a load of traffic bond.
Yes, we can continue!!!

What is missing in this picture? What's been added?

The back yard seems to be getting bigger.

Now we'll have room for a pool or hot tub - next year's project???

Becky adds the caps to the top of the lower wall.

Mable supervises the back-filling process.

Now Becky may not be the tallest drink of water, but check her out against the wall!