Sunday, June 28, 2009

Running out of Block

850 Block and we're not done???
It's getting there, but running out
of block towards the the end of the day!

Finally, Terry dons his SAFETY GLASSES!~

It's a family affair! Cindy swings by to help out!

Wrappin' it up for the day.

Oh, wait - somebody's gotta clean all the mud off the Kubota!!!

"Don't forget that dried mud between the tracks, Beth."

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Steps

One word describes the steps: Majestic

The end of day - do these guys look proud or what ???


Each week, Becky is given a "project" by the Vision Master. This week - pull the pavers from the little patio. Man that girl has gotten some workout's here! Cancel the membership for the gym - your dad is your Personal Trainer!

The Vision Master with Jason and Ethan - I think this is called "hard labor". This would make anyone want to stay out of jail!

Jason might have been out late last night (note the sunglasses), but he can still lift a block!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Minor Inconveniences

Why is it that every Saturday morning, when the stone is delivered, it has or is raining?
This is the 5th load.

This time the truck really got stuck in the ruts. The Vision Master knows exactly how to get him out. It's called traction. Next time they may need to bring extra stone to make up for the nice stone path we now have...ON THE LAWN!
Damn gutters!!! Happy Father's Day, Vision Master!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Pig is Back!

After working all day, Russ arrives to move more block with the "Pig".

I was well aware this time that the Pig did not mean pork for dinner. We had Lean Cuisines instead. :)

It's all about measuring and pitch. Russ, with his sprained ankle and broken wrist can still lift those block with one hand!

Sunday, June 7, 2009


It's a tough job to be a supervisor. Just check these out!

Supervising from the "The Watchtower"

Just another day with the Vision Master, Rusty and Ethan. Followed by a disgustingly decadent dinner at a Chinese restaurant. And a big Happy Anniversary Ethan and Ellen!

Driving with your Cell Phone

Dear Vision Master,
Please do not attempt to drive the Bukota excavator on the side of the hill while chatting on your cell phone. You are paid to work with 2 hands - not one.

Finally - I get to try the Vision Master's toy.

Okay that was fun. Thanks for not making me lift those 84 pound block. Digging in the earth is much better. Did I mention I spent the entire day planting flowers, too??? A little too much earth-iness for me today.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

60 Degrees and Windy on the lake. If you actually LIVED there and not just parking your boat at your friend's dock it would be good. And if the plug in your boat wasn't leaking...well, yes, life would be very good. But mostly if it wasn't cold and windy and you didn't have to spend 2 hours in the water, (WITH fellow LAKE PEOPLE WATCHING) you RESCUE your water-logged craft...yes, life on the lake would be real nice. Right, Rusty?